Job Termination to CIVIL CASE with ARICENT TECHNOLOGIES, a Journey of IT an Employee

I would to like brief about my Harassment experience by the IT Giant ARICENT TECHNOLOGIES,Bangalore under the client INTEL TECHNOLOGIES and How the Management pulled me into a CIVIL CASE for asking my rights.
Also I would like to brief how I have retrieved few things from ARICENT under a PANIC situation.

Details of the Episode:

Issue Background: I was recruited for INTEL MOBILE COMMUNICATION client in ARICENT -ODC by ARICENT TECHNOLOGIES as a Technical Lead. Soon the team grown to a good level of 15+ team size and I was promoted to Senior Technical Lead within one year.

As a System Debugger, I used to travel around the world to debug the issues. I traveled mostly to Europe region like Denmark, France, Germany and Other countries like Taiwan, China and Singapore in Business VISA. When the customer INTEL IMC decided for cost cutting in the project, they released me and few other people from the Team.
When I was in Free Pool for 5 months, the annual appraisal was also getting due, so they made my appraisal rating as “Needs Improvement”. For the same Financial year, my Mid Term Appraisal was “Met Expectation” with few KRA Outstanding Performance.

Incident 1: They blocked all the other internal opportunities which I personally tried to get talking to other teams in different locations. (I took backup of all the mails I had sent to the other teams to get those internal opportunities).

Incident 2: They changed my mid-term appraisal from Met Expectation to Needs Improvement in the background. (But I took backup of all the related details before that, which includes the telecom discussion with my immediate manager).

Incident 3: Discussion started with Manager, Assistant Director and Director and in that discussion they asked me to file my resignation. But I refused. Then they negotiated and I put demands before them.

My Demands:
1. My annual Bonus of one year.
2. Three months notice period.
3. Lawyer to support the VISA Cancellation Issue.
( I recorded the discussion completely in my Mobile Phone)

Finally fought and left the organisation after three months notice and joined another company. I didn’t have any issue in the Background verification.

Lessons Learnt and few inputs which helped me to fight with ARICENT MANAGEMENT:
1. Don’t believe in the company’s pride and build trust over the company.
2. Take all backup’s never think whether it’s necessary or not.
3. All mail communications with the consulates helped me to prove my travel as legal.
4. Client’s Task assignment helped me to prove that I worked in Business VISA.
5. Mid Term appraisal discussion with manager – Downloaded copy during the midterm helped me to prove that ARICENT MANAGEMENT rewritten.-?????
6. Audio and telephone recording of all discussions: I  had the recordings of my immediate
manager accepting that it’s not his decision to fire me, but because of the top management
compulsion only they are firing.
7. Gate Pass: To determine the custom duty avoidance in the travel to ONSITE by ARICENT

Filing Date: 22-04-2015

Case is still going on……………. I fought all alone and was able to achieve what I wanted. If we fight together as FITE we can achieve more! I believe in unity.

Next Story: Lessons Learnt Helped in details Continues 2 ……